Bilingual Day Care Bilinguale Kita

Services & Fees

The fee calculation includes all meals (except baby milk powder) and is based on opening hours between 07:30 and 18:30.

The fee structure is calculated as follows:

1. Enrollment fee: CHF 200
2. Monthly fees (see under locations)
    Monthly fees include day care services, mealtimes and all activities.
3. Deposit (calculated as one month’s fees)
4. Extra day fees are charged separately

  • We also offer subsidized places.
  • As children up to and including 19 months occupy 1.5 childcare places according to regulatory requirements, the rates for this age group are respectively higher.
  • A minimum of 2 days must be booked. 
  • We do not offer half days.


The deposit is to ensure that sufficient funds are provided to cover any non-payments or any other payments as follows:

  • External emergency medical services
  • Non-payment of monthly day care fees

Billing Procedure

Upfront payment will be required before providing any service.

    • The monthly fees are to be paid in advance for the coming month of care
    • Parents are refunded the deposit within one month after the child leaves

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