Bilingual Day Care Bilinguale Kita

Our Seven Values

At Akidemy, we follow seven core values that guide our pedagogical development approach. These values are more than just words; they are a promise to you and your child. We live and work by these values to ensure that your child develops in the best possible way. Our goal is to teach children the skills and values they need to contribute to our society later in life.

Decisiveness | Self-confidence | Authenticity | Responsibility | Curiosity | Respect | Creativity



At Akidemy, we give children the space to make their own decisions. For example, the children can choose between three types of fruit, sit on the pedal bike or play in the sandbox. This way, they learn that they themselves can have an influence in a small way. When a child chooses a path or solution for itself, it acquires knowledge and experience for the next stage of development. Our staff encourages this by asking open-ended questions and encouraging children to find their own answers first. Older children are also involved in developing and deciding on topics and activities.



In our daily activities, we constantly encourage the children's self-confidence. By letting the children do and discover things for themselves, their self-confidence grows. When we give the children space to find their own solutions, they also have more satisfaction. Of course, we offer help when needed, but trying things out on their own is important for development and is also simply fun! This way, the feelings of success are truly their own. Self-confidence is very important to grow into an independent, happy person.


Authenticity means having the courage to listen to one's intuition and to remain true to oneself. It means standing up for your opinions and views and acting in accordance with them. At Akidemy, we cater to the needs of each child. That is why we always consider your child as an individual. We provide an environment where children can make their own decisions and where their choices are taken seriously. We listen to your child and encourage them to be themselves. In a world full of change and diversity, it is important to know who you are and what you want. This personality development begins at a young age. That's why we teach them what it means to be real and how beautiful it is to be unique. Because every child is unique!


Instilling a sense of responsibility at an early age teaches children to be aware of their behavior and its consequences, whether for themselves, others, or the environment. At Akidemy, we encourage children to foster a sense of responsibility by involving them in tasks and explaining the consequences of their actions. We explain to your child that things can break if you throw them, but also the consequences of being unkind to another person. By naming behaviors and consequences without making value judgments, we help children become more aware of the connections. This helps them understand the impact of their decisions and enables them to take responsibility for their actions.



Children want to explore and discover and are curious by nature. With us, children are given the time and space to explore on their own. They can experience each new experience at their own pace in a way that suits them. Free play without instructions also encourages curiosity. At Akidemy, we encourage children's natural thirst for knowledge by providing open and inviting spaces both indoors and outdoors that stimulate children's curiosity and give them the space they need to explore the world around them.

 Respect for self, others and the world

Respecting yourself and others. It sounds so obvious, but in practice it is not always a given. That's why we think it's important to teach children respect at an early age, because with development comes frustration. For example, when the favorite toy is always occupied. At Akidemy, we treat children as equals and communicate with them in a respectful way by talking to them at eye level and listening to their interests and thoughts. No matter how small they are, we teach children to respect themselves, people and the world around them. We let them develop at their own pace, without judgment.



Creativity is the ability to think up and try new things using imagination and fantasy. At Akidemy, we stimulate children's imaginations by providing passive toys that allow children to decide for themselves how they want to play. After all, without a set plan, there are many more possibilities. Passive toys are materials that encourage your child to play actively on their own. We also encourage children to develop their own ideas and solutions to situations, allowing each child's individuality to flourish. This stimulates creativity.

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